Tuesday 12 April 2016


This module has been a really tough one for me, as given the freedom of being able to choose my own briefs, I don’t think I thought carefully enough about the outcomes they would require, and what outcomes I should be producing in order to develop skills in the area that I am interested in. I chose briefs with either an interesting content or with a simple outcome and a clear brief, rather than choosing one which required me to produce an outcome that I enjoy, such as a publication or website. Not choosing the right briefs for me resulted in me not really enjoying this module, as I wasn’t excited about the briefs (except Secret 7) really, and this made me sluggish to do the work for them, which resulted in me being a bit behind in this module throughout. 
I don’t think my bottle outcomes have been presented in the best way possible, as ideally I’d print the design so it could be stuck onto the bottle itself, making for a much more accurate representation of how it’d look if it was actually produced, however due to lack of time I didn’t have chance to produce this type of outcome, only digital mock ups. 
I also think I could of managed my time better with this module, rather than leaving the two large briefs until right at the last minute to produce. However this was kind of a conscious decision, as I wasn’t enjoying them as much as other briefs, I chose to do the briefs I was enjoying over the Responsive ones, as I got so much more pleasure out of them. This is really something I should work on, to ensure I do the work that needs to be done rather than just the work that I want to do.
I feel pleased with how I performed as part of a group on the Feel Good Drinks brief, and think I pulled my weight towards the end where the bulk of the work landed on me. I think I could have done more research for the brief, however this just didn’t happen. I communicated clearly when we met up face to face and also over Facebook where we discussed things when we weren’t together. This definitely gives me more confidence in that I can guide and lead people and think logically on how to go about solving a brief, which I thought I could do before but it’s always reassuring for it to be clearly demonstrated in the real world.

If I was to do anything different, I’d definitely do different, more inspiring briefs, perhaps from less high profile companies.


Project Report:

In this report I summarised each brief I completed during this module, as well as commenting on my strengths and weaknesses and how each brief will impact future work.

Thursday 24 March 2016


Presentation boards:

Proof of submission:

This brief was actually really enjoyable to work on, and I enjoyed working with people from a different course, as it gave me more of an insight into how they work compared to how I work, which I could take into my own practice to give a bit of variation. We did start quite late on the brief, which was mainly due to a module submission beforehand for me and they also had lots of work on at this point as well. This did worry me a little, however it allowed me to focus on briefs that I needed to prioritise without being nagged by other group members to work on this brief when I didn't have time to, and to wait for a time when I could focus on this brief and put my full attention to.
At each meeting we all had something to show generally, which was great for progression, the only slight issue I had was when I thought the patterns would be finished for one meeting and to me they looked like they were still in the early stages. However by voicing my concern they really pulled together and finished the patterns within the next two days, which I wasn't expecting to get them back so fast, and which then allowed me to put them into the different outcomes.
We communicated over Facebook which was a great platform for us as we could share files and images easily and everyone saw everything, and Facebook being something people check on a regular basis as well.
It did take us a while to decide on what exactly we were producing and who was doing what, however once we got settled everything fell really nicely into place, and we progressed in good time. This could be been because of our different working styles, and perhaps the other two members who both do Illustration, not having done a brief like this before and not knowing exactly the way to go about it and what is needed to fulfil it. Me being a Graphic Design student and regularly doing briefs similar to this, I should of taken a more of a leadership and art directional role, rather than trying to all work equally, perhaps I should of guided them more and been more clear about the structure we must take on and the outcomes we need. However I didn't realise that they wouldn't of done briefs similar to this before, and presumed they would know how to go about it easily.
I am pleased with the number and variety of outcomes produced, however there are some niggling things that I would of included if I had kept up with blogging and referred back to previous group meetings during the design process, such as the fun fruit fact and the zip down bottle sleeve so you can redecorate it yourself. I would also of like to of done more of a website and social media campaign if I had had the time as well, as I think this is something Feel Good Drinks really wanted to push, as it stated in the brief that they've only been Facebook active since 2014, which really isn't that long for a developed brand.


These are some postcards which can be handed out or pinned up on walls. These postcards are really versatile as they can double as posters and do in some cases as well. Woman postcard produced by Jade Bristol.

Postcards and welcome card shown together.

Front of the welcome card. This welcome card takes the aesthetic of the three poster series, as I felt this really worked aesthetically. 

Back of the welcome card, explaining a bit about Feel Good Drinks and how you can spread the feel goodness.

Welcome card mock up.

The great thing about these postcards is that they really are so versatile and can be produced on different platforms such as postcards, posters, banners etc.


On the bottles there is a link to Feel Good's Instagram account, so I mocked up an account for them using my own Instagram account as a structure.

Feel Good Drink's new Instagram account. The bottles themselves, and two posters were put on the Instagram page to show the different promotional styles. I made sure I had the Feel Good Drinks website open on another tab, so as to promote that at the same time. Middle poster created by Jade Bristol.

The Instagram account on a mock up website.



Bottle wrap pattern series.
Poster series: 

Website application:

This has been one of the most challenging briefs I have done. Initially I was really excited to get to research different countries and find out what they were about, then produce a pattern for them, but the brief made everything far more complicated than it needed to be. There was so much confusion at the beginning whether I had to produce a label for the bottle following the guidelines about text and colour, or whether it was a pattern wrap for the bottle but the label stayed the same, or whether I could redesign the whole bottle label and everything, or if the text in the label had to stay the same but everything else could change. This made progress very slow and made me dread doing any work for this brief as it was like trying to swim in mud. Because I wasn't enjoying this brief due to the confusing nature of the brief, I do think this has reflected in the outcomes, as they really aren't at a standard I am happy with, considering how much time I have had for this brief, mainly because I didn't want to work on it due to it being confusing, choosing to work of briefs which were a lot more clear and I was enjoying much more, such as the Creative Report for PPP. This is something I must overcome, as as a professional there are bound to be briefs that I don't enjoy and that are confusing, so I must learn to just get over them and get on with it rather than putting them off and getting on with more enjoyable things.

Presentation boards:

Proof of submission:


For these posters some things that wanted to be highlighted were the tag line, the bottles and the logo itself. Unlike the bottles, I wanted to use the floral pattern as the base background pattern, as this highlights the feminine side of the brand and reflects the aesthetic of the bottles nicely.

Tag line the main focus, with a little bottle in the corner to show the product with the tag line, linking them together. 

Different typeface used, maybe a little too squished.

here the logo finished off the tag line, however it's quite larger and overpowering.

Switch round, text on bottom, although now the logo looks as if it's about to drop down on the text.

Just a simple logo, this has a much more simple and elegant appearance, rather than overcrowding the page.

Incorporating the bottles into the previous poster, however this looks too cramped.

Focus is on the bottles themselves. A shorter tag line "feel good today" is at the top, keeping the tag line alive. The logo is in the top right corner out of the way but still clear and visible.

A much more elegant typeface was used, Lust, which creates a sophisticated appearance.

The Lust typeface has been applied to a text focused poster in red, which matches the flavour of the bottle on show. The red text however doesn't have the same sleek and bold appearance as the black.

A non italic typeface was used, however it looks too stumpy and straight, especially with the weird top half of the "f"'s.
Three series posters, inspired by the mock up it's housed in. The background pattern is a different colour for each of the different flavours of drink we produced, accompanied by the relative logos as well.

Poster mock ups:

This mock up inspired a three poster series, using the tag line as the focus, and one colour for each of the flavours of drink we produced. This has a really fresh feel with the coloured background and simple text.